The Sounding
Rocket Working Group has followed the progress of the NASA Sounding
Operations Contract (NSROC) since its inception. In
the course of events over the last 6
years, it has provided advice and input for numerous panels that
studied and
eventually created NSROC, thereby helping to establish guidelines for
formation of the privately-owned and managed program that succeeded the
NASA-managed sounding rocket program that had been in place for the 40
since the creation of the agency.
When the initial
ideas of a Government-owned/Contractor-operated (GOCO) system to take
NASA’s sounding rocket program were first suggested, they were met with
by the SRWG as well as the user (science) community in general, as
for example, in the SRWG findings from its December 11, 1996 meeting. (The GOCO idea was eventually succeeded with
the Performance Based Contract that is the current system in place
today.) Despite our strong reservations,
the SRWG
affirmed its dedication to preserving the rocket program and thus
support for the new operating system selected by NASA management. We expressed our commitment to being
proactive and to helping the NSROC implementation in findings from the
meetings of June 24, 1998 and December 16, 1998.
In a review of
the proposed new operating system in 1996, the SRWG cited several areas
they felt were important to maintain a viable and scientifically
sounding rocket program for the nation. These included:
keeping costs contained while maintaining the
flight rates of 30 flights/year, preserving flexibility and innovation,
maintaining the remote campaign capability. Regarding
the contract that was being written at the
time, the SRWG
noted the importance of the “escape valve” that was promised by NASA
as an opportunity to make changes -- including both large
scale and
smaller course corrections --
after the initial phase of the transition to
the new system was complete, in order to ensure that the unique
capabilities of
NASA’s sounding rocket program were preserved. [See
SRWG Finding #2 of December 1996].
At the present
time, the NSROC has been in place for about 2 years and its
implementation is
currently being reviewed by NASA. Principal
Investigator (customer) input is required
for this review, as
stated in the contract requirements (H.22, page 54).
Indeed, input has been provided by individual
scientists (Drs. R. Arnoldy, J. Clemmons, C. Korendyke, K. Lynch, K.
and R. Pfaff) at the NSROC Transition Review Committee meeting on
16/17, 2000. Furthermore, the SRWG heard
presentations from this review committee at both its December, 2000 and
2001 meetings for which comments and discussion were provided.
To summarize the
user input represented by the SRWG, we present this finding which
discusses not
only the performance and implementation of NSROC but also the impact of
the new
management arrangement to the sounding rocket program in general. We anticipate that other user input may also
be provided separately.
The current NSROC
organization (Litton/PRC) has put together a highly capable blend of
engineers, and technicians. They know
how to design, build, test, and launch sounding rocket payloads. This retention of the basic sounding rocket
technical capabilities is a relief to the scientific community and for
this we
offer our commendation.
Having said this,
the SRWG notes with concern the somewhat larger than usual percentage
failures (4 out of 16) in FY00 as well as two serious anomalies thus
far in
FY01, all of which have occurred during the first two years for which
program has been carried out entirely under NSROC management. Although not of adequate significance to
indicate a trend, some of these failures might have resulted in
indirect ways
from a combination of new people as well as operation issues that may
otherwise been avoided in the previous arrangement.
The responsiveness of NSROC to each failure
and anomaly has been thorough, with NSROC management not only accepting
but also demonstrating a clear path to identifying and resolving the
problem(s). Thus, although the failures
are a cause for concern, we do not believe they necessarily signal
problems with NSROC.
perspective of the user, the implementation of NSROC with respect to
matters, has, for the most part, gone quite well. NSROC
clearly understands the business. As
anticipated, the technical aspects of the
new NSROC arrangement have been enabled by the fact that Litton/PRC has
hired a very large number of the existing contractors at Wallops, who
already performing the vast majority (> 90%) of the non-managerial
tasks in
the sounding rocket program under the old arrangement, (2) assumed full
use of
the government-owned hardware, machine shop and test equipment, and (3)
control of the designs and drawings of all past NASA rocket payloads
that are
typically used as the starting point for new projects.
Although there are some areas of technical
concern, such as in the attitude control area and the contractor
support at the
White Sands Missile Range, in the general areas of sounding rocket
performance, both NSROC and its implementation have succeeded well.
Mix of NSROC
NSROC management
was wise to capture most of the existing contractors at Wallops, many
of whom
had been supporting the sounding rocket program for decades, as well as
hire a
few civil servants who had retired during this same period. In our view, this act alone has ensured the
technical success of the program more than any other factor. New people were also added, such as the
entire upper management tier of NSROC, and they appear to have readily
to the special management needs of the sounding rocket program
including the
unique partnerships between the PI, NASA HQ, and Wallops that must be
engendered and actively managed by all parties to ensure a vibrant and
effective program.
one skill
area for NSROC at Wallops that has been significantly lacking has been
in the attitude control area. This is a
critical area for a large number of rockets, including both
astronomy and solar payloads as well as coarse-pointing plasma physics
payloads. Indeed, the successful
operation of such ACS units are frequently required for minimum success
and the
importance of a strong staff of experienced personnel is essential both
implement the current capabilities as well as to prepare the next
generation of
ACS systems.
In a related
issue, the contractor support at White Sands Missile Range for the
other fine-pointing ACS systems is critical and there does not appear
to be an
agreed-upon plan to maintain or replace this capability, except with
the longer
range strategy of trying to develop such systems in house.
The SRWG is aware that NSROC is working on
this issue and looks forward to learning their plans to remedy this
both presentations at SRWG meetings and the actual implementation of
new ideas,
NSROC has demonstrated to the users its commitment to developing new
and to innovation in general. To this
end, it has indicated that it will pursue such ideas as new ACS
systems, a
replacement attitude system for the antiquated gyros in use for over 30
new ideas in telemetry, as well as rely more heavily on GPS for
data. Although we are not aware of the
costs involved in their investments in new technology and the future,
the users
are obviously strongly in favor of NSROC’s position in regard to
fostering new
Despite our
enthusiasm for the new approach, there is a need to understand where
the funds
come from and how the decisions are made for the new technology
that are supported with funds that originate from NASA.
Clearly, there may be conflicts between
investing in technology that can be marketed by NSROC (e.g., new ACS
versus technology that is needed for science initiatives without any
apparent payoffs (e.g., DARTS).
has consistently
demonstrated that it is forward looking and that they are considering
the long
term. They have taken the initiative to
do this. The SRWG not only applauds this
approach but also looks forward to working with NSROC and the SRPO to
chart a
course for the future that identifies the highest priorities for new
with respect to anticipated new science thrusts.
In general, field
operations have not gone smoothly since NSROC was initiated. This has apparently been due to a variety of
reasons, for which the breakdown of the traditional centralized
management of
the program is at the core. The main
problem from our perspective appears to be a disconnect between NSROC
and the
Sounding Rocket Project Office (SRPO) in terms of resolving problems or
adjusting to unexpected changes during the course of launch operations. For a given mission, there remain a number of
decisions that can only be made by the SRPO as they involve NASA
contracts with
the range, international matters, safety concerns, or operations
support from
CSOC. For example, acceptable launch
corridors might need to be changed and/or re-negotiated real-time,
directly affects the ability to launch the rocket, which is the
of NSROC and determines their fee.
With regard to
CSOC (which provides operational support for sounding rocket launches),
input concerning available telemetry support and other matters are
needed before a design can be completed. In
many cases, it affects science and experiment
design decisions. As NSROC has no control
of CSOC which must
interface directly with NASA, NSROC is often handcuffed from proceeding
CSOC decisions. For example, it is
difficult to design a payload to be launched at a foreign site (e.g.,
Spitzbergen) without timely input on the telemetry systems that will be
available. In most cases, NSROC must
rely on the SRPO to interact with CSOC to discuss and gather the
To a larger
extent the operational problems encountered appear to stem from the
fact that
it is unclear who is actually in charge -- SRPO? NSROC?, the P.I.?, Range
Management? Safety? In
most cases, the SRPO ultimately must resolve
range problems, but they
are understaffed and it is difficult to actively support every launch
particularly when unforeseen difficulties arise. The
problems are exacerbated since the
Mission Managers are NSROC employees who do not report to the SRPO but
must bring
problems to their attention and rely on them to resolve problems. Under the new rules, SRPO can not tell NSROC
how to deal with their end of the problems and the resulting situation
may be
quite frustrating.
area is
that of international launches, that include a whole host of additional
concerns involving range details that can only be worked by the SRPO. NSROC has not yet supported a remote sounding
rocket campaign, but we anticipate that this would present a new series
tests for NSROC in the operational arena that would probably be dealt
with more
efficiently under the old arrangement that was based on a centralized
management approach for the entire program.
To conclude,
operations represents a major area where the program does not appear to
be as
well off as a result of the switch to the new system, primarily because
it is
more cumbersome to resolve real-time problems under the new arrangement
which the NSROC and SRPO management teams are divided.
by the very nature of its contract, is more expensive than the
previous, “level
of effort” contract managed by NASA that was used previously to carry
out the
work. The promise of lower costs to the
sounding rocket project under NSROC has not materialized.
There remains the possibility that marketing
initiatives may eventually bring costs down to a level below what the
cost previously, as was originally envisioned by the planners, although
to our
knowledge evidence has not been shown that this is likely to occur in
the near
term, if at all. The fact that the past
approach included civil servant manpower can only account for a limited
of the large cost of the program today, since the vast majority of the
work was
still performed by contractors. Although
the large NSROC costs are not a surprise, since the hallmark of NASA’s
sounding rocket program has traditionally been low cost, efficiency,
innovation, the SRWG believes that certain aspects of the financial
arrangements with NSROC should be re-evaluated, particularly as the
program has
recently undergone a general funding crisis at NASA HQ.
chief reasons why one expects NSROC to be more expensive is that fees
must now be paid on all costs as well as larger overhead costs. Furthermore, since NSROC is now procuring
hardware, including costly rocket motors, they are charging overhead
fees on
these purchases which were not previously paid when the government
them. Furthermore, sub-contractors have
little incentive to lower prices, knowing that their costs will just be
along via NSROC to NASA.
reason why we suspect NSROC is more expensive is that due to the
costing model
itself. Under the new arrangement, NSROC
establishes "price tags" on individual rocket projects including
estimates of labor which invariably must include contingencies since
testing and time in the field may vary considerably due to unforeseen
experimenter variables. We wonder
whether such agreed-upon price tags practically guarantees that the
costs will be close to these values. (To
this end, it would be useful to see a list of anticipated versus actual
for the missions completed thus far by NSROC.) Although
there are financial incentives for NSROC to
save money on
individual missions, these appear to be minimal. Various
P.I.s have informed the SRWG of
instances where NSROC seemed quite eager to “spend money” and do extra
that did not appear to them to be necessary. Although
from our vantage point we can not judge the
merits of such
expenditures, we can say that we know of no case thus far of
savings or incentive fees that rewarded NSROC for completing any
mission thus
far well under its expected cost.
The SRWG admits
that it does not have the insight into NSROC’s financial picture to
comment as
effectively as it might wish on program costs, but it appears to us
that the
new structure and profit incentive of NSROC runs counter to doing the
job for
the least amount of money. Furthermore,
in the past year, the sounding rocket project for the first time in its
had to delay approved payloads because of a lack of funds, and this
occurred in
a year where the total number of rocket launches was already well below
average. Although the reasons for the
shortfall are not directly due to NSROC, in our view the project should
doing everything possible to save money and have the most efficient
program as
possible. The NSROC Transition Review
committee might thus consider significant changes to the model to
restore some
of the fiscal advantages that the program enjoyed in prior years. (See comments on the appropriateness of the
model and other suggestions below.)
(Customer) involvement in the NSROC managed process
SRWG feels it is appropriate to comment on the role of the Principal
Investigator in the new NSROC arrangement, with particular emphasis on
how the
new management scheme is affecting science. We
limit our comments to three areas:
design, innovation, and paperwork.
For many
missions, the scientific instruments are not "off-the-shelf"
experiments. A large amount of detailed
design, head scratching, and creativity takes place after the
Definition Meeting (RDM), although prior to the Design Review. The RDM is a new meeting required by NSROC
for pricing purposes that must take place within 45 days of the Mission
Initiation Conference (MIC). Payloads
are frequently designed as a team effort between the experimenter and
particularly as innovative designs are implemented.
In other cases, the experimenter designs and
builds a large portion of the payload at his/her laboratory or
university. Although such arrangements are
still possible
under NSROC, the P.I. now experiences pressure to have preliminary
design work
completed prior to the RDM which works for many projects but stifles
in others.
The RDM requires
non-trivial resources from both NSROC and P.I.’s (i.e., personnel,
travel, paperwork). This can be difficult
for experimenters that have only been funded for a brief period prior
to the
RDM, if at all. Further, NSROC requests
requirements significantly ahead of the meeting so it can do the
paperwork and
prepare the RDM packages. In sum, the
RDM adds bureaucratic requirements for the experimenter that the
previously did not have.
Irrespective of
the additional paperwork, the chief concern of the SRWG is that there
is now
subtle pressure to discourage innovative science payloads that require
between Wallops engineers and the experimenter with long development
(e.g., DART project with Utah State University) that extend well beyond
RDM. As a result, the SRWG fears that
the great experimental possibilities inherent in the shining jewel of
crown that is the Sounding Rocket Program, may come down a notch.
The SRWG is concerned that Principal
Investigators have been pressured to water down their success criteria
ensure maximum fees for NSROC. This
has been discussed at length at a number of SRWG meetings.
In fact, the SRWG issued a lengthy finding on
this subject after its meeting of June 9, 2000 which described the
problem and
gave examples. Although NSROC has
indicated that it is not their intention that the scientist compromise
success criteria for the sake of facilitating a business arrangement,
clearly it is now in their interest to “negotiate” minimum success
such that cost and risk are minimized, there is again pressure for the
experimenters to compromise their expectations. Some
P.I.’s have emphatically insisted that allowing
failure in the
program on the experiment side is important since this means that new
experiments are being tested, etc. However,
the possibility for this does not seem to
be encouraged under
the new system.
involvement in NSROC costing.
The SRWG is
confused over who has responsibility for the cost of the mission. (A finding was issued on this after the SRWG
meeting of June 9, 2000.) If the P.I. is
to be the steward of the funds, as in NASA’s SMEX and MIDEX programs,
he/she must be involved in the financial dealings, including knowledge
fees, prices of sub-systems, overtime decisions, field work, etc. It appears that the P.I. could be made aware
in a general sense of big ticket items that are being considered for
payload, but may be shielded from the nuts and bolts of the financial
details. However, if the P.I. is to be
responsible for the overall costs, the details must be made available
There appears to
be a fundamental problem with cost feedback. It
is in the P.I.’s interest to request more support
for a given mission
and in NSROC’s interest to add them and to bill NASA accordingly, since
satisfaction is a large part of the NSROC award fee.
For example, there is little incentive for
overtime not to be authorized for additional testing, etc.
We note that such relationships differ
considerably depending on the P.I. and his/her experience.
However, in the past, the SRPO clearly laid
down the law when it came to living within the program limits,
regulating overtime, etc., and this clear chain of authority seemed to
rein in costs and keep things on track.
Although the SRWG
does not purport to have worked out a detailed alternative model, we
here on the appropriateness of the model being used in the new contract
arrangement. Since the purpose of the
current review is to instigate course corrections, we provide comments
on those
elements of the new program model that make sense and other obvious
that we believe should be changed. Given
that both the old and the new paradigm offer clear advantages, perhaps
a new
arrangement can be worked out that provides the best of both worlds.
A new model
paradigm that the SRWG asks be considered is as follows:
NASA’s sounding rocket program would still be
operated by one contractor (NSROC) that has responsibility for
designing and
building payloads for the rocket investigations selected by NASA HQ. Further, they have the sole right to “market”
Wallops, bringing in business and directly profiting from these
activities. However, with regards to the
science rocket payloads, instead of providing detailed “bids” on
missions, NSROC would provide contractor support for a suite of
instead, defined by whatever payloads are selected by NASA HQ in a
year. In this arrangement, there would
be no formal RDM for each mission, although a good estimate of the cost
of each
mission could still be provided to NASA HQ so they would be aware of
approximate cost of each selected investigation. Instead
of working towards the overall price
tag established at the RDM, the contractor simply bills for those hours
on a specific payload, with award fees available annually depending on
overall success of the mission suite. Procurement
is returned to the NASA side of the
house to save costs with
NSROC able to buy at cost NASA-specific hardware (e.g., rocket motors)
that it
needs for any non-NASA sounding rocket (or other) mission that it
brings in via
its own marketing efforts. Project
management of the NASA (i.e., science) sounding rocket payloads
(payloads and
operations) would be returned to the SRPO (although mission managers
may still
be NSROC employees.) NSROC would
entirely manage the missions it brings in via its marketing or other
In our view, a
new arrangement such as that proposed above provides much more
efficient use of
everyone’s time. It provides significant
savings to the program, which are particularly needed now and in the
future given the tight fiscal situation in which the program is
currently. The sole NSROC contractor still
benefits from
the considerable marketing potential of the Wallops Flight Facility. The centralized management approach brings
together the several critical elements of the program
-- payload
design and testing, operations, range telemetry and radar support
(CSOC), and
safety -- all
of which must be dealt with together to
ensure a well-working and successful program. Finally,
the Principal Investigator (customer) will
no longer feel the
pressure that the science is subordinate to the business world. Rather, the new model underscores the fact
that efficient, high quality, cutting edge science remains at the
forefront of
NASA’s sounding rocket program.
is very competent and responsive to experimenter needs.
It includes a first rate cadre of engineers
and technicians that know how to “get the job done” .
The new arrangement allows for marketing of
Wallops which potentially has lucrative payoffs, particularly with DoD.
Main Weaknesses:
current contract approach results in an expensive program which has not
the program any money. The profit
incentive of NSROC does not support the general philosophy of providing
ultra-streamlined operation that designs, builds, and launches the
number of high quality payloads for the least amount of money. The lack of a centralized management approach
hurts the program and provides for a number of critical disconnects
between the
payload team, operations, range support, and safety.
The scientists are concerned that the program
is increasingly conservative, which could limit their innovation and
development efforts, which in turn, limits their capabilities to test
instruments and make important new scientific discoveries.
for Consideration
Strengthen the NASA
Program Office management role of NSROC.
Perform all procurements
(in particular of sounding rocket motors) on the government side.
-- Eliminate the formal RDM
and detailed price quote for each mission.
Implement a plan where NSROC bills for hours
spent on a given project, without bidding each rocket individually. Provide fees to NSROC for overall
performance, not on a mission-by-mission basis.
Instigate a centralized management approach
whereby payload design, operations, range telemetry and radar support
and safety are all managed as a team.
Encourage new business ventures for NSROC to
make optimum use of Wallops Facility which they will manage.
Sounding Rocket Working Group
Robert F. Pfaff, Jr. (Chair)
Space Flight Center
James Clemmons
Joseph Davila
Space Flight Center
Greg Delory
of California at Berkeley
Kristina Lynch
of New Hampshire
Stephan McCandliss
Hopkins University
Scott Porter
Space Flight Center
David Slater
Research Institute
James Ulwick
State University
Erik Wilkinson
of Colorado