Sounding Rocket Working Group (SRWG) looks forward to working with the
NASA Sounding Rocket Operations Contractor (NSROC) at Wallops to both
maintain, as well improve, the high quality research opportunities that
the sounding rocket program affords the nation. The introduction of the
NSROC system is an opportunity to move in new directions and we look
forward to an exciting new era for the program.
The SRWG appreciated the opportunity to meet the new NSROC
contractor, Litton/PRC, at its last meeting and learn of its general
intended implementation plans. We look forward to increased dialogue
with Litton/PRC and its subcontractors at future meetings. Furthermore,
it is our position as users that the SRWG should be as proactive as
possible in order to insure that the rocket program continues to thrive
and produce low-cost, high quality science under the new arrangement.
Despite an optimistic outlook, the SRWG does have a number of
concerns about how the new operations will be carried out, as we have
stated in previous findings. Rather than re-iterate those concerns
here, for now we state our most important, chief concern: that the
number of successful sounding rocket missions launched per year not
decrease under the new system. We urge Wallops, NASA Headquarters, and
NSROC to work together to maintain a robust annual flight rate of
highly successful scientific missions.
Civil Service Support at Wallops
The SRWG continues to be alarmed by the decrease of civil
servant personnel retained in the Sounding Rocket Program Office at
Wallops. This office must be maintained with strong leadership and
highly qualified, knowledgeable, experienced personnel. In this manner,
civil servant, agency "insight" into the program will remain a viable
concept. It appears to us that there are far too few people left in the
program office. We urge NASA to maintain at least one civil servant for
every major system: vehicles, ACS/fine pointing, ACS/course pointing,
electrical, telemetry, mechanical, and dynamics. Although we are
painfully aware of the effects of downsizing and reorganizations over
the past few years by NASA, this is one area in which we believe the
elimination of such civil servant knowledge will have grave
consequences for the future of the program. If the Agency is to
maintain insight into the NSROC process, take a leadership role in
advancing new technologies, and properly evaluate Sounding Rocket
programmatic activities from the technical and operations viewpoint,
such expertise must be maintained on the civil servant side with a
strong cadre of highly experienced, technical personnel at Wallops.
ACS Systems
The SRWG continues to devote a large portion of its time to
the evaluation and recommended improvements of the attitude control
systems (ACS) used for both fine-pointing astronomy and solar payloads
as well as for coarse-pointing space physics payloads. With the
introduction of NSROC, it is clear that some of the former key ACS
personnel (both civil servants and contractors) are no longer involved.
Consequently, new plans must be made to not only ensure that the same
capabilities are maintained, but also to improve the ACS systems so
that they still enable first-rate scientific research to be carried out.
As discussed at the last SRWG meeting, the SRWG has agreed to
work with Wallops and NSROC to involve community input to set technical
specifications for future fine and coarse pointing ACS systems. The
SRWG is forming subcommittees of scientific users (comprised of both
committee members and other users) for both the ACS fine-pointing and
ACS coarse-pointing systems to assist with this process. Attitude
systems in general should also be included in these reviews. We propose
that these subcommittees meet separately with Wallops/NSROC personnel.
We also request that ACS systems be addressed by NSROC and Wallops
personnel at the next SRWG meeting and encourage industry
(subcontractor) participation in these discussions as well.
Code O/SOMO Operations Support
The SRWG has noted on several occasions its concern about the
possible erosion of SOMO (previously Code O) support for the program,
which is a major resource for the tracking and operations phase of all
sounding rocket missions. Furthermore, we have been encouraged by both
Wallops and NASA HQ personnel to help make sure that this support does
not "fall through the cracks". We thus continue our vigilance by
expressing our strong support such that SOMO resources are maintained
at or above the current levels in order to insure that robust and
viable operations support remains an integral element of NASA's
Sounding Rocket Program.
Sounding Rocket Working Group
Robert F. Pfaff, Jr. (Chair)
Space Flight Center
David Burrows
Pennsylvania State University
Greg Earle
of Texas at Dallas
Paul D. Feldman
Hopkins University
Mark Hurwitz
of California, Berkeley
Timothy J. Kane
Pennsylvania State University
Craig Kletzing
of Iowa
Clarence Korendyke
Research Laboratory
Fletcher Miller
Research Center
Alan Stern
Research Institute
and Prof. Roy B. Torbert
of New Hampshire
Edward C. Zipf
of Pittsburgh